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Managing Inventory The Smart Way – FIFO Method

August 30, 2022

1 min read

With advancements in technology and order fulfillment over the years, it’s no doubt that inventory management has become more accessible across the ecommerce landscape. One method that has stood the test of time is the FIFO method. The First In First Out method is a systematic way in which the goods and products that enter the inventory first are sold first. 

Since this method follows the natural flow of the inventory, businesses find it easier and more effective than other methods like LIFO (Last In First Out), FILO (First In Last Out), FEFO (First Expired First Out) & FMFO (First Manufactured First Out). However, the inventory management method depends on the type of industry or goods sold. But the FIFO method is easy to understand, accepted, and trusted universally. Hence the ease of operations and feasibility make this method the preferred inventory management system. 

First In First Out (FIFO) Method

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Danish Khan

Content Writer @ Shiprocket

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